Regular maintenance and service visits can help your trailer to last longer and perform better. However, if you want to get as much as possible out of your service department visit, you’ll want to do some preparation work. Use this guide from the experts at Utility Trailer of Washington to get started.

Know What To Outsource

An important part of maintenance is understanding what you can handle in-house and what is best left to the professionals. If you have the parts, tools, and expertise on hand, it only makes sense to complete the repair yourself. However, attempting a repair that’s beyond your capabilities can result in further damage to your semi-trailer. The greater the risk of injury or damage, the greater the chances that the repair should be handled by a service department. 

Try To Schedule Appointments In Advance

It’s always best to schedule a semi-trailer service appointment well in advance since this makes it more likely that you’ll be able to get a time that’s convenient for you. Check your owner’s manual for tips on how frequently you should schedule your service appointments. If something comes up unexpectedly, call your service department ASAP to schedule a service appointment. 

Identify Your Needs

The better you can articulate your needs to the service department staff, the better your semi-trailer service appointment will go. Make a list of any maintenance work/repairs your semi-trailer needs. Writing things down will help ensure that you don’t forget to mention anything when you’re discussing things with the service department staff. 

For semi-trailer servicing or to view our selection of semi-trailers for sale, visit Utility Trailer of Washington. We operate 4 dealership locations throughout the state of Washington, along with 20 mobile service trucks. We also offer parts ordering, rentals, and servicing. We hope to see you soon!